Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

Today: Congressman Andy Biggs (R-A.Z.): Democrats literally campaigned on open borders, this is an existential crisis

In the May 28, 2021 Episode of Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann:

Segment #1: Congressman Andy Biggs (R-A.Z.) tells Sophie about the harrowing illegal immigration crisis on the U.S. southern border and what he calls the Biden administrations complete failure to deal with it. 

Segment #2: Michael Lambert of Americans for Prosperity details the proposed spending plans coming from the Biden administration and the subsequent political wrangling across parties. He calls for state and local government to take greater responsibility for constructing and maintaining local infrastructure.

Segment #3:  Former Mayor of Cleveland and Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich details his stormy time as Cleveland’s Mayor in his new book, The Division of Light and Power.

Segment #4: Author Jeff Gottesfeld describes how he went from protesting the Vietnam War in the 70’s to an author today honoring America’s fallen heroes and the men who guard them in his new book, Twenty-One Steps: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

Segment #5: Just the News Minute.: Sophie Mann delivers today's top headlines.